Monday, 21 November 2011

Nick Sanders - 'The Incredible Ride' Mini Review

NIck Sanders with his DVD and book at Motorcycle Live

If you are into motorbikes and like an adventure or two then surely you have heard of Nick Sanders.

If you haven’t heard of him you must have been hiding under a stone for most of your life, maybe one of the stones Nick describes in his new book and DVD ‘The Incredible Ride’

The Incredible Ride is about Nicks record attempt of the first double-transit of the length of the Americas on board his Yamaha XT1200Z Super Tenere an amazing 14,650 miles from Alaska to Argentina then back again alone!

The book and DVD complement each other perfectly to tell the story of this amazing journey with the book interspersed with over 100 fantastic pictures of his sleep deprived journey.
Unlike other stories of this genre, Nicks DVD and book are low key but fascinating like being told the story by your favourite uncle rather than a blockbuster, big budget title but this approach is very refreshing and made me unable to put the book down.

He has endured extreme temperatures, gunmen, bandits, ice sheets  and very little sleep all within a record breaking time of 45 days and 23 hours.

And most importantly he got to meet WING NUT!

But instead of reading this mini review go online and buy them from

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