Monday, 18 July 2011

New Event at Santa Pod - Dragstalgia

On Saturday I went to the new event for 2001, Dragstalgia at Santa Pod.

Unfortunately it was p**sing down when I arrived and I spent all morning in the media center with the odd venture out for a few pics around the showground.

But come about 3pm the rainclouds were replaced with blue sky and the track was dry enough for the cars to start running and it was a great sight to see all the old style dragsters running down the quarter mile strip.

As well as the time trials though we were also provided with the always great spectacle of a memorial flypast by a spitfire which suddenly appeared over the track and made several passes.

Then with the sun slowly setting it was time for the cacklefest. This is where dragsters were lined up down the middle of the track and revved for all they were worth popping and 'cackling' away.

Then came the highlight of the show, the Flaming Burnout!

Due to health and safety madness this is a very rare sight and certainly something I haven't seen before.

It is very simple - The burnout box or 'bleach box' which is the area before the start line where racers perform a burnout to warm and clean their tyres, is doused with petrol and also the tyres of the car and evrything is ignited! The driver then performs a burnout which produces a spectacular sight.

This picture explains it much better than any words can

Although I only stayed for one pint (driving) the night was ended with Rockabilly bands and a burlesque show which went on until 2am.

I will definitely be going to Dragstalgia 2012

Many more pictures on my website

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