Monday, 28 February 2011

New pictures up

I have now put pictures up on my website of Gabriella Willmore who was an awesome model who didn't need any direction.

 Thanks Gabi x

I have also just returned from a weekend at Race Retro which was a wet but enjoyable weekend, more pics on my site :)

Friday, 25 February 2011

Welcome to my blog

So lets see what this blogging lark is all about.

Welcome to my new blog, hopefully I will remember to update it on a regular basis.

A bit about me first of all:

I have been into photography since about 2004 when I started going to car and bike shows with my trusty point and shoot camera.

I then upgraded to a Canon EOS 300D followed by a 400D then dropped a digit and got a 40D and I am now using a 7D

I still cover the car and bike shows but now I have also done some studio studios iver the last couple of years and have also helped shoot a few weddings though haven't had the courage to do one on my own as yet!

Thats enough for now as I don't want to bore you!

Watch this space.
